Authentication and Authorization using Postgres and Node.js
A step-by-step guide to using Postgres for authentication and authorization with an Express.js server
33.7 minutes, 6743 words
All of my long-form thoughts on programming, and a few on music.
A step-by-step guide to using Postgres for authentication and authorization with an Express.js server
33.7 minutes, 6743 words
Storing each form input value in React state can be tedious, but it doesn't have to be that way.
6.4 minutes, 1274 words
How to build your own threaded comment section using Supabase and Postgres functions
11.4 minutes, 2276 words
A [small] collection of frequently asked questions related to backend development
6.5 minutes, 1297 words
Server rendering in React is often seen as mystical and esoteric, let's shed some light on it!
6.6 minutes, 1317 words
Modern JavaScript tooling can be a bit of a maze. Babel, Webpack, eslint, TypeScript, PostCSS... Maybe you've heard about them, maybe you don't know why you'd use them, maybe you just want to know how to get started with them. Read on!
12.3 minutes, 2462 words
This is mostly a personal notebook of what I think I have learned. I make no guarantee about the accuracy of anything said here, I would appreciate any corrections or feedback on anything [I've ever] posted.
7.5 minutes, 1490 words
Creating functions like Lego blocks
3.5 minutes, 693 words
An explanation of currying and partial application using JavaScript
2.9 minutes, 583 words
Getting started with making web APIs can be confusing, even overwhelming at first. I'd like to share my process for creating APIs in Node.js.
8.3 minutes, 1670 words
Many times a script is written that needs extra/persistent configuration from the user. In most languages this is no big deal, you just import your json/yaml/toml parser and you're good to go. The common thing to do for many bash scripts that require configuration is to ask the user to put another actual bash script containing variable declarations in the file:
2.5 minutes, 500 words
Bash is perhaps one of the hardest languages to learn how to script with, simply for the fact there's so much bad information out there. I'd like to share some tips and tricks I've learned.
8.2 minutes, 1645 words
It seems there's some confusion on why you might use functional programming methods like map/reduce/filter, and so I thought I'd write something to try and explain why I think they're useful and interesting.
7.4 minutes, 1484 words
Display managers like LightDM and SDDM come standard with many Linux distros, and I personally find them useless. I'd like to share with you how to get rid of them and gain a bit of control over how X is launched, and take back a few precious megabytes of RAM.
5.7 minutes, 1132 words
This post is still a work in progress, so bare with me please. If you spot any errors or have something you want to add, feel free to leave a comment below.
3.8 minutes, 751 words
I'm going to try to walk you through the process of creating your own configuration, by giving you my biased opinions in attempt to save you from some of the boring bits of testing things out (which admittedly can also be a rewarding process).
23.6 minutes, 4711 words
I recently came across fzf, which is an interactive filter for your shell, and wanted to make a script that filtered through and played my music library
4.3 minutes, 869 words
Are you anxious for a new version of a particular package, and don't want to wait for someone else to submit it to backports? After a few hours of reading docs and testing this out myself I feel like I've gotten a good grasp on this, so I'd like to share what's been working for me.
3.1 minutes, 624 words